domingo, 29 de novembro de 2009

World's Worst Best Friend Ever

Calmly. Quietly. Merciless. He awaited. Two years. Finally, when they broke up the relationship, he was there to console him by day and her at night, always at night.

domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009


I was writing a message to break up our relationship. I was not capable to tell her personally. All of a sudden, I lost the text. I lost all my files, to tell the truth. Devastated, I realised that I need her in these moments, so I gave up to write and call her crying.

domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009


The clock works against me. They surround her. I feel under threat. My foes noticed that I'm too scared to act. She doesn't give a damn. I have no chances anymore. When I finally leave my job and get paid, it is too late.

domingo, 8 de novembro de 2009

Wild Bitch

Angela's fragile countenance is fake. She's bigger than me, I almost forgot that. Sometimes I think she's a living proof of Freud's theory: Angela got penis envy. She likes to fuck with everyone's life. Yesterday, when she threatened me, I gave to her all my salary.

domingo, 1 de novembro de 2009

Daydreaming Vendetta

Birthday. 55 y-o. Instead of dreaming about the gifts from his grandsons, he wakes thinking about how to fuck with his ex-wife's life. He can image a lot of ways to kill her. At noon, his birthday party starts: a phone call from his ex-mother-in-law. His ex-wife is dead.